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Reduces the cost of your Maul, Swipe, Claw, Mangle and Rake abilities by [1/2/3/4/5] Rage or Energy.
Feral Aggression
Increases the Radius and Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Roar by [15/30/45]% and the damage caused by your Ferocious Bite by [5/10/15]%
Gives you [20/40/60/80/100]% chance to gain 10 Rage when you shapeshift into Bear and Dire Bear Form or 40 Energy when you shapeshift into Cat Form.
Feral Instinct
Increases threat caused in Bear and Dire Bear Form by [7/15]%, also reduces the chance enemies have to detect you while Prowling
Thick Hide
Increases the Armor contribution from Items by [3/6/10]%
Reduces physical damage taken while in Bear and Dire Bear Form by [2/4/6]%
Savage Fury
Increases the damage caused by your Claw, Rake, Rip, Maul, Mangle and Swipe abilities by [10/20]%.
Open Wounds
Increases your damage with Claw by [10/20/30]%
Increased Mangle (Cat) damage by [3/4/5]%
and Ferocious Bite by [3/4/5]% for each of your Bleed Effects on your Target.
Periodic Ticks of your Bleed Effects restore [2/3/4] Energy while in Cat Form.
Feral Swiftness
Increases your movement speed by [15/30]% outdoors while in Cat Form and increases your chance to dodge while in Bear, Dire Bear and Cat Form by [2/4]%.
Feral Charge
Causes you to charge an enemy, immobilizing and interrupting any spell being cast for 4 sec.
Sharpened Claws
Increases your critical strike chance while in Bear, Dire Bear or Cat Form by [2/4/6]%.
[Empty talent]
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Improved Shred
Decreases the Energy cost of Shred by [9/18].
Predatory Strikes
Increases your Meele Attackpower by [2/4/6]%
In Addition your Claw-Weaponskill increases by [3/4/5]
Blood Fury
Increases the duration of Tiger's Fury by [6/9/12] seconds and your Enrage now also instantly generates [5/7/10] rage. In addition, Tiger's Fury and Enrage increase your attack speed by [10/15/20]% for [9/14/18] sec.
Gives you a [33/66/100]% chance to gain an additional 5 Rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form and your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points have a chance to add an additional combo point.
[Empty talent]
[No description]
Removes all Fear effects and increases your energy regeneration rate by 100% while in Cat form.
Increases your maximum HP while in Bear or Dire Bear Form by 20% lasts 20 seconds, after the effect ends, the health is lost.
6 Minute Cooldown
[Empty talent]
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Survival of the Fittest
Reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by a melee attack by [1/2/3]%
Dodging while in Bear or Dire Bear Form generate [1/2/3] Rage per sec for 5 sec.
This Effect can only accure once every 7 seconds.
[Empty talent]
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Heart of the Wild
Increases your Intellect by [4/8/12/16/20]%. In addition, while in Bear or Dire Bear Form your Stamina is increased by [4/8/12/16/20]% and while in Cat Form your Strength is increased by [4/8/12/16/20]%.
Leader of the Pack
While in Cat, Bear or Dire Bear Form, the Leader of the Pack increases party members melee and ranged critical strike chance by 3% in a 45 yard radius
[Empty talent]
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[Empty talent]
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Mangle the target for 100% plus 63 (Bear and Dire Bear Form) and for 140% plus 179 (Cat Form) normal damage and causes the target to take 10% additional damage from Shred and Bleed effects for 12 sec.
[Empty talent]
[No description]
[Empty talent]
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